Find out how choosing the right domain name will help your site get better search engine rankings and bring FREE traffic to your site.
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Techkat Web Services offers custom web site design, search engine optimization and other web services for those who want to save time.
Learn more about domain names and how they can positively impact your bottom line. Register a domain name for your web site.
For those without technical skills, domain name investing can be a great way to generate an online income.
Learn the basics of domain names: the parts that make them up and what they mean.
Video Tutorial on how to change your subscriber options on an email list.
Request a free 15 minute consultation about your custom web design or search engine optimiztion project.
Learn about the different types of web hosting and how to determine which one is right for your web site.
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Techkat Web Services: Your source for business web services like budget domain names, affordable web hosting, custom web design, search engine optimization services, web design templates, web site design software and Web Business Basics 101 video ebook.
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If you would like to dramatically decrease the amount of time it takes to add search engine friendly RSS feeds to your website while crushing your competition in the race to get laser targeted content, then RSS Content Builder is for you.
Techkat Tips gives you the latest techniques to increase web site traffic and make money online
Learn the advantages of UNIX based web hosting.
We get lots of questions about how to do various things. When we get a lot of questions about a particular topic, we'll create a video tutorial to show you how to do it and post it in this section of Techkat Web Services.
Find the best web hosting solution for your specific needs. Options range from shared hosting to virtual hosting and dedicated servers. Which one is right for your web site?
Web site design templates save time and give a more professional look to web sites you create yourself.